Species welcome to my blog. Like I said It's nothing fancy here and it shouldn't be after all minimalism is the key to life. Before continuing let me make some so-called rules-
1. Pardon any of my mistakes. I'm a human, mistakes are common for us.
2. Don't try to kill me for my humble opinion after all they are Humble Opinion of me. So they don't matter or shouldn't.
3. I am not Shakespeare, English is English if I make sense. So, don't judge me based on my language skills. Seriously DON'T.
4. Don't comment a Bacteria, Think Smart.
5. Rules are meant to be broken...
Some people asked me what is this blog actually about and why it is named. (Actually, no one asked, Though I will pretend. Cause WHY NOT?)
The answer is simple. It's WHY NOT.
Seriously, man, this is just a blog to dump my thoughts. So, I can look back whenever I want, feel nostalgic and remember my past. I know I should use a diary and diary is meant for that purpose. Blogs are meant to be share ideas. Well, I want to share my ideas with you. But, why? Am I that valuable or part of an Intelectual property? Simply no. I'm just a loser. But I want you not to be. Sometimes to feel good for what you have you need to look at what you don't have. I am ready to be that person. Not learn by mimicking rather than comparing and fixing along the way. That's my message and motive. Thanks for visiting by and Welcome if I ever helped you.